> Application > Secondary battery
Secondary battery

Defects Inspection in Z-Stacking (SEPA)

During the battery assembly process, paint with poor appearance of ...

Cutting Vision Inspection

Examine the tab position of the electrode and place the tab positio...

Blanking Vision Inspection

The tab position of the electrode before cutting and the appearance...

Half Loader Stacking Vision

HalfCell on the electrode loaded during the battery assembly proces...

Stack Tape and Sepa Inspection Vision

Size of the appearance of the loaded electrode during the battery a...

Folding Align Vision Inspection

During the battery assembly process, the folding equipment is used ...

Folding Gap Vision Inspection

Align Vision in folding equipment during battery assembly process ...

All-Solid Polymer Battery Dimensions and Appearance Inspection

A vision to check the condition after cutting in all-solid-state ba...